There are several reasons why auto insurance premiums continue to rise and one of them is as simple as the vehicles on the road. Read more about the rising costs of home and auto insurance and ways to save.
Many people only think of travel insurance for themselves when they are travelling, but it’s also important for people visiting Canada to be insured. Read more to find out why.
Discover the benefits of our Investment Program in this short video. The Lawyers Financial Investment Program (LFIP) can help you accumulate wealth and create an income in retirement.
A new video series launched by Lawyers Financial aims to provide some useful insights and tips for lawyers who are — or are considering becoming — sole practitioners, says Dawn Marchand, vice-president of marketing and direct distribution for the
It would be reckless for someone with debts and dependents not to have life insurance, says Dawn Marchand, vice-president of marketing and direct distribution for the Canadian Bar Insurance Association (CBIA).