We all know the benefit of life insurance; namely to protect your family’s lifestyle once you’re gone. But what about protecting that same lifestyle should you have a serious accident or illness, but not die? How would you replace your monthly income if you were unable to work?
That’s what Disability Insurance is for. Essentially, it provides coverage for a loss in personal income as a result of a serious illness or accident. It’s a monthly payment based on the coverage chosen in your policy.
You may think “I have group benefits, so I’m covered.” Be sure to check that very carefully. Quite often the coverage offered through group benefits is not enough. But, you can use Lawyers Financial Disability coverage to protect as much of your income as you need to.
And, what if you’re a lawyer who runs a solo or small practice and don’t have this type of insurance? For you, this could be the most important type of insurance to consider. Your ability to earn an income is your biggest asset.
Lawyers should plan their disability insurance coverage for the present and the future — since incomes will likely increase over time. When you purchase disability coverage, you’ll be offered a Future Increase Option (FIO). For very little money, it will allow you to increase coverage in the future without undergoing a medical examination.
Finally, you need to purchase insurance from someone you trust. CBIA/Lawyers Financial was established to focus solely on the insurance and investment needs of the legal community. We take that mandate very seriously and take pride in providing the very best in products and service to our clients.
Disability vs Critical Illness Insurance: what's the difference?
Lawyers Financial products and plans are sponsored by The Canadian Bar Insurance Association (CBIA). Lawyers Financial is a trade mark of CBIA. Disability insurance underwritten by The Manufacturer’s Life Insurance Company (Manulife).