For rainmakers in today’s altered universe, the job remains the same — continue to nurture existing relationships while attracting new clients. Everyone is adjusting to new habits and new ways of getting things done and that includes how top performers make it rain in the age of Covid-19.
Adopt the right mindset
Know your audience and trust your emotional intelligence to build rapport instead of diving into a sales pitch. Most people are living and working with less personal contact and appreciate genuine interactions with authenticity. With this in mind, spend more time getting to know people on a real and personal level, ask about family members and be ready to share your own stories of success and failure.
Refine your networking approach
If you want to build rapport and expand your contacts these days, you’ll need a new approach to networking. Keep in mind that your clients and prospects are looking for advice on a broad range of topics, not just legal matters. As you continue to build your network and meet new people, here are a few tips for the new reality of virtual networking.
Be real
People expect authenticity these days. From entertainment to news and journalism, clarity trumps creativity. Be clear about why you are contacting people and what you have to offer.
Get involved
Search for groups and organizations that have an online presence and become a member. It’s a great way to keep informed and stay top-of-mind with prospects.
Become a mentor
Online mentoring, inside and outside the legal profession, is both a great way to nurture young talent and meet other professionals who care about future generations. You may run into people you wouldn’t otherwise meet and make inroads into new industries.
Have a POV
Participate in discussions and comment on social media posts when your expertise can make difference or help others sort out a legal or business issue. Avoid vague reactions such as a thumbs-up.
Build a following
Offer to participate in online forums and panels. If your firm is large enough, consider hosting an annual or monthly panel on current topics and creating an online following.
Become the go-to expert
Foster relationships with thought leaders in the industry, the media and key influencers who often need an expert to comment on stories with a legal angle.
Build credibility
Follow through and follow up. Be quick to follow up on leads and set a schedule for reconnecting with former clients and colleagues. In other words, never be out of sight or out of mind.
Virtual networking offers limitless ways to make it rain, especially now that most people have adapted to new ways of doing business and communicating through new channels. Lean in to the many online options to build your presence, your brand and your business until you find the right recipe of business-building strategies for you and your firm.