There are very clear and compelling reasons why life insurance may be a better option than mortgage insurance. It's all about control, flexibility and cost.
According to surveys, about 80 per cent of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February. So how do the 20 per cent who succeed stick to them?
One afternoon not long ago, Steve Wise, a Lawyers Financial Advisor in Southwestern Ontario, got a call from his client, an established lawyer in Windsor, who had just been diagnosed with lung cancer. It came as a complete shock.
Thinking about taxes can feel like a low priority in a year when so many people were forced to deal with the fallout of an economy in flux. It’s hard to imagine anyone whose life and finances were not disrupted this year.
Less than half of Canadians have pension coverage and most of those are defined contribution pensions, which are subject to the whims of the market. The numbers for law firms are even bleaker — most have no pension arrangement at all.
Life insurance is often thought of as something you buy to protect loved ones in the event of your death. Viewed through this lens, the premiums you pay seem more like an expense than an investment.